Thank you. Keeping this. Grateful.

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William Tyndale was definitely a hero of the faith. If people want to know more about the Christians persecuted by the Catholic Church read Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Thank you Revd Robert.

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A must read. Thank you.

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Thank you for this! Really appreciate brother William Tyndale he is a wonderful inspiration of unwavering faithfulness and profound holy intimacy with God, and how powerfully Heavenly father utilised Him raised him up as himself a priest to stand his ground against the entire evil kingdom that stated they represented God when they were in fact hypocrites & represented actually their true father the devil, and William defiantly as a bastion of true faith came against the entire formidable controlling oppressive authority of the catholic church at the time who kept the people in darkness, and the bible could only be read by the heirachacal clergy and in Latin that most people didn't and couldn't even begin to understand, these very same clergy whom

shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people 's faces. For they neither entered themselves nor allowed those who would enter to go in. The stand Tyndale took for beloved Jesus and in loving his fellowman. And Jesus empowered and strengthened filling Tyndale with courage and boldness to only submit to Jesus' complete authority as his head submitting to His headship and walking according to the Holy Spirit completely in all matters & things and in bringing forth Jesus out in his daily life in loving obedient service. And in the combined group efforts of all those who also helped him in bringing us the first English bible translation at risk to each of their own lives, and of course Tyndale was accused of being a heretic for upholding all Jesus' truths and in printing and giving as many lay people printed bibles so they could discover what Jesus actually did teach that was completely contrary to the lies of the catholic church was eventually betrayed & martyred by those who called themselves his brothers and Christians strangled him to death then burnt him at the stake. Highly recommend everyone to read his book The Obedience Of A Christian man to grasp the absolute profound and powerful significance of what this man did and how it changed so much the bible most in the west have today is baptised in Tyndale's blood and in the many others who helped him and were caught then also martyred and put to death and actually how relevant it is to those of us who truly love live for and obey Jesus today and what is happening around us via the many powerful broadway of institutional church organisations that are perpetuating a delusion illusion and still keeping many in darkness all around us.

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Hi Hephzibah, yes, they were the Pharisees of the 1500s. Tyndale's stance puts most of us to shame.

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The Papacy (the first beast of Rev 13 and the Whore of Babylon of Rev 17) has the blood of millions of saints on their hands, including William Tyndale.

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