Jul 12Liked by Revd Robert Irvine

Over the years, I have read, or watched on video, bible scholars much smarter than me debate this very topic of the timing of the rapture of the church. (There is a very good series on this very topic of the rapture by Joel Richardson & FAI Studies on YouTube). Each bible scholar has presented scripture to support their belief in either pre-tribulation or mid-tribulation (pre-wrath) rapture.

Although I lean to a pre-tribulation rapture, and I hope and pray we are taken out of this world by the Lord before the 7 year period, I am not convinced of it. I do know the church, the true believers in our Lord Jesus, the Christ, are not meant for wrath.

Christians throughout the 2,000 year history of the church have endured many hardships, including martyrdom. For those Christians in secret churches in China and the middle east, in primarily Muslim nations, those that are caught and murdered are enduring their own apocalypse & end times scenario. Who are we in various places around the world, including the UK & the US any different? Meaning, are we so special that we believe we could never endure such hardships?

Anyway, for me, the timing of the rapture is not a salvation issue and I'm not all that concerned of when it happens. So, I will continue to put my faith in the Lord and He will do what He plans on doing, when He plans on doing it.

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Hi Brewer,

Thanks for your comment. I completely agree with you, there are plenty of good scholars who are more equipped to discuss this topic, than me.  However, writing on the subject has crystalised my thoughts on the matter so I’m pleased that I was asked to do the post. I also felt honoured to be seen as worthy of being asked.  I have prepared another post, comparing the Rapture and the Second Coming, but to be honest I'm not sure if I will post it. You will know by now that I am concerned with the here and now; the salvation of souls, and the declaration of the gospel and for Christians to be good witnesses. But I am prepared to write a post on any matter if asked because God is interested in all of us, and every aspect of us. So nothing is out of bounds

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Thank you, Pastor Irvine, for a Biblically sound commentary on whether Christians will go through ANY of the Great Tribulation. Your Biblical sharing of this issue was in line with what I have been taught throughout my youth and adulthood in mostly non-denominational church settings. I study the Bible and the Holy Spirit guide me (and all who will do so) into ALL TRUTH.

Once again, many thanks for this commentary.

The "day" shall declare it!! BLESSED BY THE NAME OF THE LORD!

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Hi Sharon, thank you for your comment. I am pleased that my commentary aligns with yours. I don't like to perform theological acrobatics. I say it as I see it. That is why I peppered my commentary with simple questions - who is the text talking about, where is the church in the text. I let the Bible text tell its story and the theology springs from that. Bless you, and thank again. Robert

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Sharon, just to let you know that I am finding out if I can delete this post. Some of the comments have become undesirable. Im sorry, as I know you wanted me to do a post on the subject. Thanks


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Jul 13Liked by Revd Robert Irvine

Thank you Robert for your detailed and biblical summary. The salient point is that the “ecclesia” is not mentioned after Rev 3, and in Rev 4 we see the Throne Room after the instruction to “come up here”. The Spirit discerns truth, and you have discerned it and stated it. Opinions are like mouths, everyone has one. But those with ears to hear are rare. Well done.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Revd Robert Irvine

In 1 Thes. 4:16-17 a resurrection of the dead precedes the rapture of the living. Focusing on resurrection of the dead, not rapture of the living, how do you understand this to relate to "this is the first resurrection" of Rev. 20:5?

I've seen what my commentaries have to say about Rev. 20:5 and I don't even want to go there -- many words about such a short sentence! (It's five words in the Greek as well.)

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Amen Geoffrey, Amen. Such a timely verse. Thank you

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IF our Father who Art in Heaven would Not remove the cup from His Son praying in the garden sweating blood…why oh why would He pass out special “get out of Tribulation” passes for a “special” Divine trampoline park of clouds. Where “the elite specials” can bounce from cloud to cloud in white robes with harps and 🍿 watching the Second Body of Christ being crucified, before the Second Coming? Does Our Father love PreTribs or mid Tribs more than His only begotten Son? The word “Rapture” from the Greek meaning to be pulled up, only appears once in Scripture, AFTER the Tribulation on the last Day.

PreTrib mythology came over with the Puritans, who needed something to differentiate from the Three Am~Egos, King Henry VIII, Luther and Calvin. Who all thought they knew better than the way Jesus and the Holy Spirit at Pentecost set up the Church. Not to discount all their very valid criticisms of the Temporary Human Fallible Interpretations of Rome at that time. But They also were/are still guilty of fallible interpretations too. So all we have is Trusting over Linear Time the Holy Spirit self correcting human fallible interpretation in the Church as Jesus and the Holy Spirit established it. And gave Apostolic Authority to for Sacraments.

“Satan can wear the cloak of Humility, but Not the cloak of Obedience.” The very nature of Satan is Protesting and Rebellion. 🧐

Pray or 🐝 Prey. 🙏✝️🙏

God Bless all with Wisdom via Grace from the Holy Spirit, to discern Truth from Snake Oil. And the strength to pick up their Crosses and Follow Jesus instead of shying away to paths of least resistance and promises of Goody Bags.

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It is precisely because the cup did not pass from Jesus that wrath is not appointed to regenerated Believers.

Demonically inspired horrors have been ongoing. But the end times Horrors of Horrors (The Great Tribulation in the 70th seven) will make current troubles look like a picnic.

The Bride is not going through that Horror. She’ll be escorted to a wedding celebration prior to the GT.

Calling The Rapture a “get out of jail free” card mischaracterizes God’s Mercy and Grace. Rather, Believers are to “comfort one another with these words” (1 Thess 4:28) and share them with anyone who will listen.

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Soooo…. The Father loves PreTribs more than His Only Begotten Son in the Garden? Really? Come on Man, stop buying the Serpent’s path of least resistance Snake Oil. For your Soul’s sake.

Did our Lord say “don’t bother picking up Your Cross, my Mercy done did it all, just read some words and have faith in your human fallible interpretations of those words.” Or did he say “Deny your Self (your Ego’s Fallible interpretation of words), pick up your Cross (get Skin in the game or you don’t begin to appreciate My Mercy embedded into Suffering) and Follow Me.”?

Here is a Hint from St Faustina, “Satan can wear the cloak of Humility. But Not the cloak of Obedience”. Trust building Obedience builds and amplifies Mercy>Graces. Rebellion and Protest-ing is the Nature of the Head Snake Oil Salesman. Think of suffering In the Body of Christ versus suffering with out Christ as burning in Hell versus the healing purifying fires in purgatory. You don’t get a tempered hardened sword blade by just laying out iron ore in the shape of a sword. The sacrifice of the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world fulfills Prophecy with Grace. But We still have free will. That needs tempering and focusing by actions/works. Not just the initial start of words and fallible interpretations biased by Egos interfering with actions/works.

True Love can’t exist with out free will. Free Will is lame with out testing it. In order for the Breath of God to animate Life in linear time-space, there needs to be cathodes and anodes for it to flow. Potential differences between Positives and negatives. But the negatives necessary for our gift of Life need to be removed completely before we enter into The Kingdom. That is the extreme Grace of the Lamb on the Cross removing them for us. PLUS the even greater Grace of allowing us to share in a tiny minuscule splinter of His Cross. So we move beyond Ideas and ideational concepts of His suffering. And begin to experientially first hand Appreciate the full magnitude of His Mercy. Mercy is Not taking away suffering entirely. It is buffeting it so we share in His Suffering. Which magnifies His Mercy beyond an Ego’s concept of it by reading some words and having faith in a human’s fallible interpretation of those words.

God designed humans, quantified by science, to communicate 67% by Body Language, 28% by intonation, less than the rest by actual words. Clearly then it follows we learn by wax on wax off in the same way. Re Ordering Words to actions first with the Lord’s Prayer. “Not My Will (and desire not to suffer), but Thy Will be done,” 🧐

We will pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the Mercy to suffer With our Lord, ON the Cross. What a blessing of Mercy>Grace to share, and become one IN the Body of Christ. And not sit it out with 🍿🍿🍿 up on some cloud preTrib trampoline park watching. But, except for the Grace of God, I’m sitting on tbat preTrib cloud missing out too. Who eants to suffer? It is counter intuitive until the Holy Spirit illuminates you about the Mercy inside the suffering. ThanksGiving to the Lord for Not leaving me behind on some preTrib cloud. 🙏🙏🙏

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Paid in full.

The Wrath of God was poured out on the Second Adam—the federal Head of humanity.

He took the Punishment for Sin.

His Body—His Bride—will not be beaten for Sin a second time.

The Groom will come at a time known to the Father, and collect His Bride.

Then the 70th seven of Daniel—specifically focused on the Father’s dealings with ethnic Israel—will occur. Christ rejecting earth dwellers will suffer the Wrath of God for sin—as the rejected His offer of Peace found in His Son.

A remnant of Israel shall be saved.

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I am going to see if I can delete this post

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What in the World or Heaven is a Federal Head. Do you hear your Ego’s fallible interpretive words?

“ Paid in full.

The Wrath of God was poured out on the Second Adam—the federal Head of humanity.”

So if you have no more sins, why are you sitting here with your special get out of Trib free pass? What are you waiting for?

Jesus is the King-Priest head of the Body of Christ. The venerable Virgin Mary, given to us all as our Mother while He was on the Cross, is the Queen Mother of Heaven and Earth. Sitting at the tight hand of Our Lord in the Kingdom. As you know, back then until Jesus changed it to One Man/One Woman, Kings had many wives. So the Queen was (and is for all of us now) the King’s Mother.

I’m not clear what you are having Trouble grasping? So maybe you could narrow it down for us please.

Do you not understand;

1) “Your will not mine be done”?


2) “Deny your self~{ish need to get out of Trib free)?”


3) “Pick up your Cross (the opposite of get out of Trib free passes)”


4) “Follow Jesus”? Follow last I checked did not mean sit up on a cloud with your 🍿and watch the Body of Christ suffering again.

The ONLY actual Biblical

Reference to a pulling up “Rapture” is After Tribulation on the Final Day. When all those Obedient to the Lord’s clear instructions will join Him and His Mother in the Kingdom.

Please where Jesus, not some snake oil salesman said to “sit it out on a cloud” instead of testing your faith up to and including Martyrdom. Pretty sure the Martyrs didn’t flash a get out of it free pass and watch from the stands. But hey, enjoy your Cloud pass and 🍿. Maybe a few thousand more words will keep you hiding from Truth on your Cloud. Funny how that Truth is so Blinding, right? Better Call Saul Paul on the road to Damascus certainly Experienced (not words) that Blinding Truth that a few words can’t deliver. Right?

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I am going to see if I can delete this post

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Please do not delete your post, Pastor Irvine!!

Alamo Dude contends with power and bravado - so what! That doesn't mean your dissertation is lacking in any way. It IS Biblical and let Alamo Dude say what he will--this is a "forum" is it not? Alamo Dude is not profane--just "contentious"!!!

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Typical, like We said, the Truth is Blinding

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Paid in full.

The Wrath of God was poured out on the Second Adam—the federal Head of humanity.

He took the Punishment for Sin.

His Body—His Bride—will not be beaten for Sin a second time.

The Groom will come at a time known to the Father, and collect His Bride.

Then the 70th seven of Daniel—specifically focused on the Father’s dealings with ethnic Israel—will occur. Christ rejecting earth dwellers will suffer the Wrath of God for sin—as the rejected His offer of Peace found in His Son.

A remnant of Israel shall be saved.

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Finally a well reasoned and scriptural defense of the longstanding doctrine of The Rapture.

Thank you!

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"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27)

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deletedJul 12
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Maybe don’t over think it. Just deny your self, pick up your Tribulations Crosses and Follow Jesus. Just a thought, with many grains of human fallibility salt.

“If you Think you understand, it’s not God.”~ St Augustine

God Bless, 🙏✝️🙏

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deletedJul 12
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Great point! All we humans, including the Saints, Popes and Martyrs are Fallible in our interpretations. Only the Holy Spirit is Infallible. So like St Faustina and St Padre Pio, we all need Obedience first, Humility Second. As Satan loves Protesting and Rebellion. Trusting that over Linear Time, the Fallibility is corrected by the Holy Spirit, and “what ever I don’t understand today I will know someday (St Faustina)”. Both Saints were chastized and Divine Mercy Chaplet given to us by Jesus via St Faustina banned by the Church. Until the Holy Spirit corrected over linear time.

God Bless, and onwards Christian Soldiers. 🙏✝️🙏

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deletedJul 12
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Jul 13Liked by Revd Robert Irvine

It is an important distinction. I was holding my breath for the dispensational shoe to drop. I exhale a sigh of relief when you elaborated on the supremacy of Christ’s sacrifice and the New Covenant. God truly does not dwell in temples built by human hands.

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Hi Simon, thank you for your comment. Even in Daniel 9, if you pay attention to the timeline there could really be only one answer. And, praise God, you are correct, Christ's sacrifice (the Anointed one) is sufficient for everyone, once for all. What still amazes me if that would deem me fit to be a temple of the Holy Spirit. I just thank God for His grace and mercy, that he has washed me clean by the blood of the Anointed One. Thanks Robert

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