A Christian social media influencer who a North London Catholic school sacked for supporting biblical marriage on Instagram in her own time will appeal a tribunal ruling which upheld her dismissal and denied her right to free speech.
Keep speaking out against the UNGodly actions of those who are working to destroy Christian values around the world - all in the name of "inclusivity and equity" - COME OUT AND BE YE SEPARATE is Jehovah Jireh's command to ALL of His followers.
We already knew why Atheist Marxism has a 100% failure rate. Besides not having any absolute reference points to navigate by. From Karl Marx’s own words, “I don’t want to be a student of history. ‘I’ want to make history.” Instead of learning with historical wisdom, Karl thinks he is the center of the universe. And wants to substitute His Story (God) with his own version.
What we are know learning, is that over time, no matter how well intended, all Theocracies end up in Lawfare. Like the Scribes and Pharisees that crucified The Truth. To protect the narrative whey They had the power and were in charge. “It’s just not fair~ism, you see, Fair-iSees.”
We can now even observe the quasi-Theocracy Lawfare in the US. Where Congress tried to do an end around the Constitution. And in violation of the First Amendment Non Establishment Clause (to prevent America from becoming a Theocracy like the Monarchy-Religion Theocracy Tyranny they left behind in England), they funded and codified the American Religion of pseudo science Scientism. So their power gained authority by their pseudo science Religion of Scientism. Until 🙃 peak absurdity where men could have babies. And plant food in the atmosphere necessary for all life on earth was now pollution. And so on. And moral relativist Lawyers and their Lawfare gathered a monopoly of checks and balances of power. Owning 100% of the Judicial and Executive branches in Federal and most state’s governments. And upwards of 85% lawyers in Legislative branches.
All formats of Religion, Philosophy, and Science that censor transparent debates lead to Lawfare tyrannies. Because of human natures, fallibility and concupiscence. A one posted gate swings 360 degrees in the wind. Which is why John 1:17. Before John 10 where Jesus reveals He is the Gate. God used body language above Mt. Tabor to make it clear in the Transfiguration. The Gate needs two posts. The Laws of Moses. And a back stop, to stop the circular logical moral relativity, with Elijah. To fulfill prophecies and covenants. Jesus came Not to erase the Laws. But to both fulfill them and provide Mercy along the way carrying our Crosses. He was very clear about Marriage being between One Man and One Woman. As God intended originally with Adam and Eve. Now purified again with the New Adam Jesus. And the new immaculate Eve, Mary. So that Jesus the Gate with two posts can open to God’s Love>Mercy>Graces. God being the God of Life, not death.
Graces are extended via the Holy Spirit. The reason blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can’t be forgiven of course, is all Graces, including Forgiveness/Reconciliation all flow via the Holy Spirit. So if you deny the Holy Spirit with your free will, You cut off Graces including forgiveness.
Well it's a mess that's for sure! Yet heavenly father & Jesus Christ living in those truly reborn as new creations holy spirit filled and as overcomer sare promised; Because you did keep the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of the trial, which hour is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to try them that dwell upon the earth. I come quickly: hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown -(Kayleigh.)
Who overcomes I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go out hence no more: and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my new name. Who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the ekklesia congregations, assembly.
Honouring all of heavenly fathers truths and living out the Living Jesus Christ denying self and picking up our cross daily in the UK always comes with conflict with superior authorities, places of employment, social services the educational system, healthcare even at times the religious system of churches etc. And indeed it is a war not against flesh and blood but with the spirituals in high places. Almighty Creator God is greater and All powerful than the enemy and his entire hordes of his kingdom of darkness. To be honest England and many of those who claim to be Christians are reaping what they have sown & to their flesh for so many many years, being so lukewarm, anaemic, weak, permissive in sinfulness, lacking in faith and not walking by faith but by sight, many actually being and are ashamed of Jesus Christ, refusing to share him saying it's a private matter and Jesus is meant to be hidden and they see him as some sort of embarrassment, rather than shining Him forth and extolling, magnifying and Glorifying Him, instead they openly deny & disown him due to fear, fear of losing their lives in this world, when Jesus said it is only those who lose their lives for his sake will truly find it, not many UK Christians live as on fire with fullness of the passion of God's holy Spirit nor in denial of self of a crucified sacrificial set apart holy sanctifying life totally sold out to Jesus, and also they regularly practice intermingling, intermixing and incorporating the world's ways, world's wisdom which is foolishness with God into God's ways, they do not keep the gospel pure, most don't know what it is, they do not live out Jesus' commands it's not evident, fruits are discouraged, not encouraged, as well as sharing the gospel, other Christians usually will tell you off, the UK is full of nominal Christians and they will call you insane for sharing the gospel, that it's wrong to tell other people about Jesus and tell you don't ever dare say the word repent ever either, as well as witchcraft and sin is sadly so normalised in the majority of the brick building churches and those who go to them, that Jesus' commands are optional, also the traditions of men within the religious institutional systems and that going to a physical location of a government approved brick building is believed to be the only way that is acceptable to honour and worship God, but not worshipping heavenly father in spirit and in truth as a way of life! Most churches demand membership, numbers so they can claim tax perks as having charity exempt status (501c3 in the U.S) from the government & also they take a very lame soft stance on sinful matters living and practicing sin & witchcraft, shrugging their shoulders, never addressing all these matters, practising interfaith- ecumenicism, and you cannot love the world and serve God you actually make yourself his enemy, his nemesis & the two are not meant to mix, you cannot serve two masters either you will hate the one or love the other & as heavenly father repeatedly warns His people the outcome of doing so. Many Christians in the UK do not know the voice of the true shepherd Jesus, many don't know what the true gospel is, they don't care either sadly. They believe we're entering into the most amazing time ever, and we are not living at the end of the age that everything is better than wonderful. That Jesus is not returning soon, or never in their lifetime. The majority of church's in the UK are dead and the church goers in the UK think transhumanism is ok and would happily accept mechanical body parts and combine synthetic tech robotic parts into their bodies. They think it is a wonderful thing and that life extension is normal with man wanting to achieve immortality outside of God, not even understanding the basics of Genesis 3?! Most look to the world what it offers and not Almighty Creator God for all their answers and solutions, for whatever problems arise.
I do pray that the Christians in the UK repent & for all the above, and for so many also who took the potion and the churches that were paid and received incentives for telling their congregants to take it. That happened especially in Birmingham churches and London too. The majority of churches normalised taking nanotechnologies and DNA transforming potions. Never stopping to hear from heavenly father and all He has already said.
Thank you for sharing this.
I pray Exodus 14:14.
God will fight and win this battle.
So unfair, however, this is a spiritual battle.
Hi Mariska, standing up to be counted always has consequences.
I know.
However, where is her and our rights to stand for what we believe? Where is the freedom of choice?
Truly very unfair and unnecessary.
Respect ALL people’s point of views.
The world needs more people like you.
Thank you.
Ditto. You too.
Excellent article written and vital to be shared and know off.
I know God will reveal himself powerfully in the aftermath of this case, and will restore unto her 7 fold what the enemy try to steal.
No weapon formed shall prosper.
I used to think interpretations that had the Whore of Babylon as being the Church of Rome were naff. I’m changing my mind on that now.
Keep speaking out against the UNGodly actions of those who are working to destroy Christian values around the world - all in the name of "inclusivity and equity" - COME OUT AND BE YE SEPARATE is Jehovah Jireh's command to ALL of His followers.
SHALOM, Pastor Irvine
Hi Sharon, happy to speak out and play my part.
We already knew why Atheist Marxism has a 100% failure rate. Besides not having any absolute reference points to navigate by. From Karl Marx’s own words, “I don’t want to be a student of history. ‘I’ want to make history.” Instead of learning with historical wisdom, Karl thinks he is the center of the universe. And wants to substitute His Story (God) with his own version.
What we are know learning, is that over time, no matter how well intended, all Theocracies end up in Lawfare. Like the Scribes and Pharisees that crucified The Truth. To protect the narrative whey They had the power and were in charge. “It’s just not fair~ism, you see, Fair-iSees.”
We can now even observe the quasi-Theocracy Lawfare in the US. Where Congress tried to do an end around the Constitution. And in violation of the First Amendment Non Establishment Clause (to prevent America from becoming a Theocracy like the Monarchy-Religion Theocracy Tyranny they left behind in England), they funded and codified the American Religion of pseudo science Scientism. So their power gained authority by their pseudo science Religion of Scientism. Until 🙃 peak absurdity where men could have babies. And plant food in the atmosphere necessary for all life on earth was now pollution. And so on. And moral relativist Lawyers and their Lawfare gathered a monopoly of checks and balances of power. Owning 100% of the Judicial and Executive branches in Federal and most state’s governments. And upwards of 85% lawyers in Legislative branches.
All formats of Religion, Philosophy, and Science that censor transparent debates lead to Lawfare tyrannies. Because of human natures, fallibility and concupiscence. A one posted gate swings 360 degrees in the wind. Which is why John 1:17. Before John 10 where Jesus reveals He is the Gate. God used body language above Mt. Tabor to make it clear in the Transfiguration. The Gate needs two posts. The Laws of Moses. And a back stop, to stop the circular logical moral relativity, with Elijah. To fulfill prophecies and covenants. Jesus came Not to erase the Laws. But to both fulfill them and provide Mercy along the way carrying our Crosses. He was very clear about Marriage being between One Man and One Woman. As God intended originally with Adam and Eve. Now purified again with the New Adam Jesus. And the new immaculate Eve, Mary. So that Jesus the Gate with two posts can open to God’s Love>Mercy>Graces. God being the God of Life, not death.
Graces are extended via the Holy Spirit. The reason blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can’t be forgiven of course, is all Graces, including Forgiveness/Reconciliation all flow via the Holy Spirit. So if you deny the Holy Spirit with your free will, You cut off Graces including forgiveness.
God always wins over sins.
Pray it Forward, Pray or be prey. 🙏✝️🙏
This is so insane it's hard to believe. God will vindicate this teacher. 🙏
Well it's a mess that's for sure! Yet heavenly father & Jesus Christ living in those truly reborn as new creations holy spirit filled and as overcomer sare promised; Because you did keep the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of the trial, which hour is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to try them that dwell upon the earth. I come quickly: hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown -(Kayleigh.)
Who overcomes I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go out hence no more: and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my new name. Who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the ekklesia congregations, assembly.
Honouring all of heavenly fathers truths and living out the Living Jesus Christ denying self and picking up our cross daily in the UK always comes with conflict with superior authorities, places of employment, social services the educational system, healthcare even at times the religious system of churches etc. And indeed it is a war not against flesh and blood but with the spirituals in high places. Almighty Creator God is greater and All powerful than the enemy and his entire hordes of his kingdom of darkness. To be honest England and many of those who claim to be Christians are reaping what they have sown & to their flesh for so many many years, being so lukewarm, anaemic, weak, permissive in sinfulness, lacking in faith and not walking by faith but by sight, many actually being and are ashamed of Jesus Christ, refusing to share him saying it's a private matter and Jesus is meant to be hidden and they see him as some sort of embarrassment, rather than shining Him forth and extolling, magnifying and Glorifying Him, instead they openly deny & disown him due to fear, fear of losing their lives in this world, when Jesus said it is only those who lose their lives for his sake will truly find it, not many UK Christians live as on fire with fullness of the passion of God's holy Spirit nor in denial of self of a crucified sacrificial set apart holy sanctifying life totally sold out to Jesus, and also they regularly practice intermingling, intermixing and incorporating the world's ways, world's wisdom which is foolishness with God into God's ways, they do not keep the gospel pure, most don't know what it is, they do not live out Jesus' commands it's not evident, fruits are discouraged, not encouraged, as well as sharing the gospel, other Christians usually will tell you off, the UK is full of nominal Christians and they will call you insane for sharing the gospel, that it's wrong to tell other people about Jesus and tell you don't ever dare say the word repent ever either, as well as witchcraft and sin is sadly so normalised in the majority of the brick building churches and those who go to them, that Jesus' commands are optional, also the traditions of men within the religious institutional systems and that going to a physical location of a government approved brick building is believed to be the only way that is acceptable to honour and worship God, but not worshipping heavenly father in spirit and in truth as a way of life! Most churches demand membership, numbers so they can claim tax perks as having charity exempt status (501c3 in the U.S) from the government & also they take a very lame soft stance on sinful matters living and practicing sin & witchcraft, shrugging their shoulders, never addressing all these matters, practising interfaith- ecumenicism, and you cannot love the world and serve God you actually make yourself his enemy, his nemesis & the two are not meant to mix, you cannot serve two masters either you will hate the one or love the other & as heavenly father repeatedly warns His people the outcome of doing so. Many Christians in the UK do not know the voice of the true shepherd Jesus, many don't know what the true gospel is, they don't care either sadly. They believe we're entering into the most amazing time ever, and we are not living at the end of the age that everything is better than wonderful. That Jesus is not returning soon, or never in their lifetime. The majority of church's in the UK are dead and the church goers in the UK think transhumanism is ok and would happily accept mechanical body parts and combine synthetic tech robotic parts into their bodies. They think it is a wonderful thing and that life extension is normal with man wanting to achieve immortality outside of God, not even understanding the basics of Genesis 3?! Most look to the world what it offers and not Almighty Creator God for all their answers and solutions, for whatever problems arise.
I do pray that the Christians in the UK repent & for all the above, and for so many also who took the potion and the churches that were paid and received incentives for telling their congregants to take it. That happened especially in Birmingham churches and London too. The majority of churches normalised taking nanotechnologies and DNA transforming potions. Never stopping to hear from heavenly father and all He has already said.
England, the UK is a post Christian country