Aug 7Liked by Revd Robert Irvine

Thank you for your reply and thank you for your concern. Yes but I don’t mind. I continually tell God I’ve got big shoulders. I want to be a warrior for you, God. We have to have men to step up and women to step up to defend God today and defend others and especially those that can’t defend themselves. God bless you.

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Hi Joe, thank you for a great comment. I marvel at your attitude. We need many more people like you. God bless you. Robert

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Jul 23Liked by Revd Robert Irvine

I thank God for His Word. This world is falling apart at the seams. A worldwide move towards tyranny and darkness. I never thought I'd live to see the things that are unfolding in America. But, His Word sustains me because He told us all this had to happen, and would happen and, we are but at the tip of the iceberg.

It is sometimes hard to internalize what Jesus has done for us at the cross on Calvary. But, I believe in what He did for all and I continue to pray for the unbelievers in my extended family, and my friends.

If I may, I would ask this community of believers to pray for my brother-in-law, Jim, who was diagnosed over a year ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He and his wife are not believers. Please pray for his salvation. I believe he may be near the end of his life in this mortal world.

Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ!

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Hi Brewer, we are at a moment in time when President Trump was shot at, and now President Biden is sick, and hasn't been seen for a few days. We all should take 2 minutes out, to pray for the country, that God may show us His will. That the next few months leading up to the November elections will be characterized by peace.

I am sorry to hear for your brother in law, and of course we will pray for him and his wife. We are all reminded at these times of the man on the cross beside Jesus. The man asked and Jesus replied that he would be with him in paradise. May God be with your brother in law and his wife at this time


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I pray He comes and saves us all...from rhaf we know and not know save us from this evil fallen world...burn up all the chaff and reveal the good in all of us Lord please in Jesus Mighty Name

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Such a beautiful writing , thank you so much. Right now I have so much on my plate, but the Holy Spirit is here with me every morning at three and just doing incredible work guiding me. What my deceased sister said the Holy Spirit was kind of like a spiderweb guiding us along we had to really focus and pay attention to which way the spirit is pulling us. if we continue to use the spirit, we’re doing what God and Jesus wants us to do because the spirit will lead us to that eternal life, and hopefully will show others that they can attain it. My son died of accidentally choking, I received the phone call when I immediately went to my knees. Then God told me to “get your ass up“. I stood up and immediately and looked up into the right of my right eye. There was a circle that opened up in my vision, and I saw my son. He was 28 years old, vision was about 10 but wearing his army outfit because he’s airborne. And my mom was laughing and crying and hugging and she was so happy. my ex father Law, who is the first Mexican airborne in the Korean War was smiling and waiting to hug him also. I had the greatest feeling of knowing that he was safe in heaven. He came to me for five days in a row in the morning. The very first day came to me he said at the eulogy. Tell everyone to accept Jesus Christ because heaven is so beautiful. And so I followed his wishes and I did that it on 3:5 trust in the Lord with all your heart and told them everything he told me for five days. God is so good. We just have to focus on him and all the goodness and ignore the evilness of the world. Have the discernment to know is Satan and what is God. Have a blessed day. I’m doing voice to text and not checking my grammar. I hope it comes out OK.

Joe Berezoski

Coach Bear

Urban Farmboy

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Hi Joe,

I am so sorry that you have so much on my plate, to have lost your sister and you son, is a huge burden. I complain about my life, then I read your comment and it puts me to shame. As your sister said lean on Him, and he will be with you. His rod and staff are there to comfort you as you go through this Valley of death moment.

Discernment between Satan and God, whatever Satan tells you will be will be lies or half truths. And you will have no peace about it. When God speaks to you, even though it will be a hard lesson, you will an inner peace. Paul wrote several letters whilst he was in prison, and you can see this when he mentions his chains. Yet even in these circumstances he rejoiced in God.


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